Saturday, December 17, 2011


Thinking of dear mother and missing her terribly on her death anniversary.  Here is a humble tribute!

Dear Ma! thy memories come flooding by.
Blissful it was, with you around,
The eternal pillar of potent power,
With a heart of gold nestling in a frail exterior.

Thy magic wand of love and sacrifice,
Ironed smooth the Furrows of life,
Secured our future from the stormy seas,
Forgiving and forgetting the painful slights.

Thy unwavering steely grip of selflessness,
Cared little for indifference and unconcern.
Thy hallowed greatness: courage and fearlessness,
Were of a life led righteously and truthfully.

And thy religiosity and commitments,
Forged ahead with dense purity of will.
Magnanimity of giving pervaded thy soul ,
Making it always the 'psalm of  life.'

Thy unseen presence uplifts, boosts and restores,
The weakened resolves within;
Thy fragrant vibes permeate my soul,
Enlivening, renewing and igniting a spark.


  1. So touching Uppalji. All mothers are same. Anyone writes about mother, I compare my feelings and wonder, all mothers are same.

  2. Thanks Pattu.The fact which intrigues me however is why mothers are so self effacing?Especially Indian mothers.Don't you think history repeats itself.We too are a lot condescending towards our children. If we think solely of ourselves we instinctively start feeing as if we are callous as parents. This is the dilemma of our lives, isn't it
